Seminars of interest

This page lists seminars in the area of physiology and neuroscience at NCSU. Undergraduates should always feel welcome at these seminars and it’s a great way to see what is happening with research in this field as well as how working scientists go about creating new knowledge in physiology and neuroscience.

Most of the seminars listed are in the Biology Department seminar slot, which is 3:30 on Thursdays in DCL 101.  Some are at other times and locations and those are shown in blue type below.

January 31
Randy Jirtle, Duke University
Epigenetics: How genes and environment interact
3:30 PM, 101 David Clark Lab

February 21
W.M. Keck Center for Behavioral Biology Seminar
Diana Reiss, Hunter College
Reflections of animal minds
3:30 PM, 101 David Clark Labs

March 18

W.M. Keck Center for Behavioral Biology Seminar
Allen Moore, University of Georgia
Quantitative to Molecular Genetics of Parenting
11:15 AM, 3503 Thomas Hall/Stephens Room

April 04
George Bittner, University of Texas at Austin
Title: TBA
3:30 PM, 101 David Clark Labs

April 22

 W.M. Keck Center for Behavioral Biology Seminar
Michael Young, The Rockefeller University
Genes Controlling Sleep and Circadian Rhythms in Drosophila
1:30 PM, 3503 Thomas Hall/Stephens Room